
More about me

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Hi. I am「Wah Lau」,common used wah/xwah as netword id.

Information Circle
若无必要,勿增实体 Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity.

Personal Information

  • Age: 90s
  • Marital Status: Married, with one child
  • Height and Weight: Not too tall, not too short; not too fat, not too thin
  • Hobbies: Running, reading, hiking, badminton


  • Reading: Love reading, have various platforms and apps Ways of Reading
  • Computers: Started using Arch Linux
  • Games: Have a Nintendo Switch, favorite game is Xenoblade 2


  • Email: iatooimdotxyz

About This Blog

  • Built with Hugo, using the theme built by szclsya/blog - GitHub.
  • The license or sharing requirements for each article can be found at the bottom of the article page.
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